Emotion Code Healing
Infinitive Healing Offers Emotion Code and Quantum Healing Sessions for Clients Across the Globe.
All you need to know about the Emotion code
The Emotion Code is the simplest, most direct and effective healing method in energy psychology. This form of healing process allows you to identify your emotional baggage and release it.
Energy can form habits that no longer serve you, it can get stuck so each time you trap an emotion you are getting stuck in the middle of that negative event you were experiencing, if you consciously do not process it, it stays as a negative vibrating ball of energy within your body, that’s when it can cause you emotional and physical pain and can lead to chronic pain. It can be affected by your environment too.
It even carries memories from your childhood and from when you were in the womb, and can be passed down generations, just like our genes. These are inherited trapped emotions. You can even have energetic imprinting with you from previous lives, all of which are memories trapped in your subconcious mind and are the root cause of energy blockages, which in turn lead to emotional, mental and often physical pain and disease.
The emotion code is designed to provide you with new insights, to show you how trapped emotions can cause all sorts of problems, and empowering you to let go of these negative feelings.
Here at Infinitive Healing you will have the freedom to explore this trapped energy and together we can find ways to help you take control of your life.
To schedule your appointment, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Let go of your trapped emotions
How the Emotion Code works is by tapping into the subconcious mind, we do this by a form of muscle testing known as kinesiology. Our subconcious minds are the part of us that knows everything about us, it remembers every experience you’ve ever had, be it a challenging one, a happy one or an extremely painful moment.
Sometimes we conciously remember these times and sometimes we don’t. Many people can block out traumatic events and not even remember them, however the emotion code can find and fix these rooted problems causing you to suffer. This is done by bypassing the concious mind and accessing the information from the subconcious mind. Muscle testing is an easy, safe and non-invasive method. It does not require the use of machinery, it doesn’t involve you having to take prescription drugs and it is enormously empowering. You will not be made to feel uncomfortable as you remain fully clothed in every session. Muscle testing can be performed on you by the practitioner applying light pressure to your raised arm. You will need to try to keep your arm up and stable. When a question is asked (depending on the answer, be it a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’), that will determine the outcome. If the answer is a ‘yes’ the arm will stay strong and the practitioner won’t be able to push it down. If the answer is ‘no’, then the arm will go weak and drop down.
The practitioner can also muscle test on themselves for the client by either; surrogate testing or via proxy. This is done by taking on the clients energy and accessing their subconcious, after this short procedure we then ‘become the client’.
This way can also be beneficial for babies who could not yet have muscle testing performed on them, the elderly, someone who is in a coma and of course animals.